Testimonials & reviews
See what our clients have to say… Click a category below to be taken directly to related reviews.
Flat / Thoroughbred Racing
Harness Racing
Western Disciplines
Eventing / Showjumping / Dressage
Steeplechase / National Hunt
Quarter Horse Racing
“Tendon injuries unfortunately come with performance horses, be it racing, eventing, showjumping or polo. These have traditionally taken a long time to respond and in the first cases of Spa use I saw, I couldn’t believe the rate of recovery with results I hadn’t previously achieved throughout my 35 years of veterinary experience. Trainers who have used the Spa on a regular basis have quickly established that there is a major cost benefit in terms of keeping horses competing right through their training period.”
“The use of seawater in helping healing is not new but taking the water to the horse is innovative. I have seen many horses with tendon injuries that have responded remarkably well to the spa, it has the ability to reduce the acute inflammatory phase rapidly and this is an important part in starting the healing process. Re-injuries also benefit from the spa via the reduction of the chronic inflammation that is commonly present in old lesions, in many cases this has led to a reduced amount of pain associated with the injury. A lot of tendon injuries I’ve seen go through the Spa have not required any further treatment and that is the beauty of the ECB Spa”
“The College of West Anglia had the ECB spa installed in 2009 to use as part of the students curriculum to allow for real-life hands on experience with state of the art equipment. We also use it within our rehabilitation yard as a successful business generating the college a steady revenue. The spa has proven invaluable to both our education and business ventures and ECB as a company have been fantastic at providing help and support for all of our needs.”
“It is recognised that 20 – 40% of horses in National Hunt Racing suffer to some degree with their flexor tendons… the Spa results have been really impressive which is exciting.”
“Her response to treatment was remarkable, as the discharge soon dried up and the pain rapidly subsided. The case demonstrates the effectiveness of spa therapy, where more conventional treatments proved inadequate.”
“The ECB Equine Spa is an integral part of our management of equine distal limb swelling resulting from wounds, tendonitis and lymphedema. It significantly reduces overall hospitalization time in these cases.”
“The ECB Spa has been an invaluable addition to our clinic. The sustained cold salt water effect provides an excellent anti-inflammatory response to many conditions affecting the lower limbs of our clients’ horses. One of the unforeseen benefits of the spa was the new clientele that it brought to the clinic and the revenue created by additional services beyond spa treatment.”
“Sometimes, the most simple ideas are the most brilliant. We are all aware of the effect of ice on inflammation and saltwater on wounds. The problem is that our industry has been trapped in tradition. Trapped by using 20th century techniques in a world full of 21st century progress. The Equine spa has very effectively married the concepts of tried and true antiinflammatory treatments with state of the art technology. I was introduced to the Equine spa when one of my patients,”Better Talk Now” had an open wound that became infected just prior to a race in Saratoga, NY. We elected to use the Equine spa’s healing properties of cold salt hydrotherapy to aid in the healing process and eliminate any further complications. Three, 10 minute daily treatments were all we used in this case. The wound is no longer a problem. Certainly, financial considerations will always be a factor in our profession, but here is a product that would be expensive NOT to have. The uses go far beyond the example I cited. The ability of the Equine spa to lower the temperature of the entire equine limb so completely and rapidly, could eliminate the use of more traditional methods that employ more time and effort. Once again, the Equine spa’s balance of simplicity and results are unmatched in our industry.”
“…cryotherapy applied to the distal limbs of horses safely and effectively ameliorates the clinical signs and pathology of acute laminitis.” (Van Eps and Pollitt 2009).
JVan Eps, A.W. and Pollitt, C.C. (2009) Equine Laminitis model: cryotherapy reduces the severity of lesions evaluated 7 days after experimental induction with oligofructose. Equine vet. J. 41, doi: 10.2746/042516409X042444953.”
JVan Eps, A.W. and Pollitt, C.C. (2009) Equine Laminitis model: cryotherapy reduces the severity of lesions evaluated 7 days after experimental induction with oligofructose. Equine vet. J. 41, doi: 10.2746/042516409X042444953.”
– Dr. David Anderson chats with Dr. Steve Adair, equine rehabilitation specialist at UT Equine Hospital, about the benefits of cold saltwater therapy.
“Since the installation of our ECB Equine Spa in April 2012 we have treated a wide variety of orthopaedic cases with great success . The onsite training and technical support has been superb. The spa has been a great addition to our practice.”
“Hydrotherapy is an exciting development in the management of acute and chronic limb injuries. Its natural safe basis encourages its use over a wide range of conditions in accelerating and maintaining repair.”
“We opened the S Bar S mobile spa in September 2012. Since that time we have traveled to local events as well as treating horses at our home. In addition to weekly and monthly treatments for healthy performance horses, we board rehabilitation patients in need of daily spa therapy. Having a mobile unit has been extremely beneficial, and we set up most often at barrel racing events, simply because that is what our family participates in. We also travel to and set up at private barns, usually treating 20 horses per day. At a recent barrel race, we set up for the weekend and treated approximately 60 horses. We lost count the first day! We are completely sold on the benefits of regular ECB spa usage. We have had fantastic results treating both new and old tendon injuries. Tendons that were firm and swollen when the patient arrived were softer and smaller after a series of daily treatments. Multiple clients have reported that their horses are running better than ever. We couldn’t be happier with our ECB spa!”
“We are very pleased with the choice on ECB water treadmill. It is very friendly use, with an innovative technology that allows us to customize for each horse a personalized training program, with which we have had excellent results. In addition to the most advanced technology and quality of the treadmill, I have to mention the added value of after sales service, which is undoubtedly a crucial factor of success.”
“The ECB Spa is the most popular piece of equipment in our therapy center. During our peak season, we treat over twenty horses daily for both prevention and rehabilitation. We bought the spa in 2009 and it still looks like the day it arrived.”
“The Spa has been an invaluable tool in speeding recovery times on horses but it has also been a tremendous success in developing more interest in what we do. Overall I would say we have had a 100% improvement in our business since installing the spa – both in new and existing business.”
“The new ECB Equine Spa is easier to use and maintain with rapid filter change. The spa is much easier to operate with new horses and we have a much faster turnaround time for each horse whilst maintaining treatment.”
“The ECB Equine Spa has been a valuable piece of equipment not only for our clients’ horses, but for our business. Being able to reduce inflammation and provide our clients with the most effective icing method on the market saves us time and helps the horses return to competition more quickly. The spa is easy to use, low-maintenance and extremely effective. Whether you are dealing with horses in rehabilitation or training, the ECB Equine Spa is a valuable investment that I highly recommend!”
“We put an ECB spa in last summer to deal with leg injuries such as tendons and high suspensory’s. We had such success we decided to get a second spa. I also find them incredibly beneficial for general use with horses in pre-training.”
“The Sanctuary prides itself in making available virtually every rehabilitative treatment modality possible. Largely due to veterinary referrals within the first year of operation, the ECB Equine Spa has undoubtedly been the most profitable, most widely used piece of equipment in the facility.”
“I purchased the very first ECB Equine Spa which was built back in 2001. The results I have on a daily basis and the running and appearance of the machine hasn’t changed a bit. I would highly recommend the ECB Equine Spa and the service and professionalism they offer. The advice and backup they offer is second to none.”
“The ECB Spa was the perfect piece of equipment to start our rehab facility with. This therapy is amazing for our rehabilitation clients and also for our clients preparing to compete. The revenue from the spa actually funded the expansion of our facility and our business is thriving like never before!”
“I have been treating top cutting horses in the equine spa for the past 7 years and have seen miraculous recovery from many injuries. I’ve also used it to keep a fatigued horse at its best through multiple go-rounds… many have gone on to make the finals and some have won major NCHA competitions. I cannot imagine a really serious competitor being without one. It gives a horse every possible opportunity to perform at its highest level. The ECB Equine Spa is by far the safest, most efficient and easiest of the equine spas on the market today. I would recommend it without the least hesitation and will use one for many years to come.”
“We’ve had lots of positive feedback towards the ECB Spa from riders, especially within the eventing industry.”
– An ECB Equine Spa at state of the art rehab centre, Sundby Gard Midtre, Norway
“I have had all kinds of horses in my ECB Spa; horses terrified of water, horses with extreme claustrophobia, horses that never have had their feet hosed, and horses that have taken their first spa treatment in just one big stride. And what they all have had in common? They have all enjoyed their treatment immensely, some having even fallen asleep. I have used it on serious injuries and illnesses, and what’s even better; to prevent injuries in sport horses. Nothing could be better than that!”
“It’s absolutely wonderful to find a treatment that’s so rewarding – watching the horses improve at such a fast rate.”
“The ECB Spa has been a great addition to our program. We use it extensively for soft tissue injuries and foot problems (bruises and abscesses). It is a safe and efficient way to ice horses’ lower legs. Our clients recognize the benefits from this therapy and use it regularly. It has generated a new source of revenue for our business and the operation and maintenance has been very easy and low cost.”
My 16.3 hh Thoroughbred mare has used the Equine Spa on several occasions all of which have benefited her immensely. The Spa has proved efficient in speeding up the recovering of her legs from blocked lymph nodes and presently I am booking the Spa treatment for recovering of ligament and tendon injuries for which she has been on prolonged box rest. As a temperamental TB mare my horse can prove difficult to handle but Marie and Abbie at Priory are second to none. Their calm, efficient, skilled and highly professional manner has seen my mare happy and relaxed during treatment. I would not hesitate to recommend their service and I rest assured when my horse is in their care.”
Thoroughbred / Flat Racing
“We had our ECB water treadmill installed in September and since then we have had about 20 horses on it daily with almost all the horses going on once or twice a week. It is fantastic how quickly they take to being introduced and relaxed. ”
“We have found the ECB Equine Spa to be very helpful and useful in preparing horses for races and bringing them back from injuries”
“Without a doubt, the spa has helped our horses stay sound and has gotten those with issues healthy again. The spa allows us to continue training through issues where we would otherwise have been forced to stop training and lose time.”
“The ECB Equine Spa is a wonderful therapeutic tool. The spa has many great purposes. We love to use it to address heat and inflammation and also to treat horses that have had surgery. Every horse that goes in the spa truly relaxes and loves the experience!”
– Jeremy Noseda talks to Emma Spencer about his ECB Equine Spa.
“Since installing the ECB Equine Spa I have been delighted with the results, and now employ someone full time to run it so that I can get as many through as possible. It is not just in treatment of injuries that it has been so useful, but also in the maintenance of ongoing minor niggles, and also prevention of injuries in the first place. A classic example is Idle Power who at the age of 10 won his 13th race the other day on his 100th start. He goes in the spa most days and it just helps to maintain his soundness. Most of them really seem to enjoy their spa sessions as well. I can honestly say the ECB spa has been a really beneficial addition to the yard and now I wouldn’t be without one.”
“After we started using the Spa before and after his races, ANTRIM COUNTY won a $50,000 stakes by 3 1/2 lengths at the age of five.”
“I have used the equine spa since last year and it has shown me positive results on the horses I have done the therapeutic treatment on.”
“The ECB Equine Spa undoubtedly sped up the healing process of an open wound on the heel of “Better Talk Now”. I am very impressed and pleased with the spa and its results.”
“The equine spa keeps legs fresh and horses happy. We have found it to be a useful alternative to our daily program.”
“I use the Spa for immature tendons, open wounds, splints and sore shins. Ouija Board, for instance, threw a splint, went in the Spa twice a day, every day, and it made an enormous difference. I’m impressed.”
“I have found the ECB Equine Spa of enormous benifit since its installation in December 2006. It is highly effective for both short and long term problems and is enjoyed by the horses and trainer alike. I would regard it as an invaluable asset to my operation.”
“A therapy that I like to use on my horses on a regular basis”
“In my opinion it is the best addition to my yard since I started training”
“Mubtaker had a joint condition that had aggravated at various times in his life. Sheikh Hamdan [his owner] suggested the spa should be installed and it has been of tremendous benefit to this horse in particular.”
“From the day I installed the spa I have felt that it was one of the best investments I have made to help me in my training business. It is used on a daily basis by around twenty five of my horses. The aftercare has been exceptional and I would readily recommend the spa to any interested party.”
“There is no doubt the spa has improved the performance of our horses on race day.”
“Fantastic therapy that I use on all my horses. I truly believe in it.”
“This is the first year we have had an ECB spa. I find it be of great benefit and I would say that it is a must for any racing yard. ”
“The best equine invention since the bridle… I regard the ECB Equine Spa as the most important aid that I have encountered in over twenty years of training racehorses.This season we treated a large number of horses on their return from racing on summers going and found that they were ready to run much earlier than previously. I am very pleased with the results all round and I shall be continuing to use the Spa.”
“It’s a real efficient way of increasing blood circulation to the legs and reducing inflammation. For my horse in particular it is more of a preventative maintenance type thing than it is treating injury, but it is very effective in treating soft tissue injuries.”
“There is no question in my mind that the ECB spa made better horses out of several of my claimers and truly helped some make it to the winners’ circle. Two thumbs up for ECB!”
“The spa has helped my horses recover from hard workouts and races enabling them to get back to the races faster and healthier.”
“It’s a No Brainer! The salt water really seems to help keep filling and inflammation out. Our horse HANDS ON just equaled the best speed figure of his life, and he’s eight.”
“I am delighted with the spa and it would be difficult to imagine training without the benefit of the spa. All my horses use it, it is great for injuries and prevention.”
“The equine spa is a key part of the maintenance program for our horses. Our horses love going to the spa. It keeps them fresh, happy, and sound. Our barn has seen tremendous benefit from the spa and I highly recommend it.”
“We use the ECB Spa regularly for both prevention and performance for our 3 year olds building up to the futurities. Daily use in the summer months during cool down helped keep our horses sound. We also used the spa for suspensory issues ~ it truly is an amazing piece of equipment!”
“My horse is Sx Dr Peacharita. She was injured in November of 2011. After surgery in December she got capsulitis in both front fetlock joints. After 2 MRI’s and several vets telling us there was nothing we could do, I started researching. I found ECB Equine Spa. After using this method she’s back in full force. Second run back she won the All American Youth Barrel race by 2 tenths. This is the largest paying youth race in the world. She won 10,000.00 in 2 runs. The vets can’t believe how much mobility she has regained. I’ve used this system twice a day for several months and will to continue for the rest of her barrel racing career.”
“I have been treating top cutting horses in the equine spa for the past 7 years and have seen miraculous recovery from many injuries. I’ve also used it to keep a fatigued horse at its best thru multiple go-rounds…many have gone on to make the finals and some have won major NCHA competitions. I cannot imagine a really serious competitor being without one. It gives a horse every possible opportunity to perform at its highest level. The ECB Equine Spa is by far the safest, most efficient and easiest of the equine spas on the market today. I would recommend it without the least hesitation and will use one for many years to come.”
“We couldn’t be happier with our ECB Cold Water Spa. Everything about it has exceeded our expectations – from the delivery, setup, ease of use, and most importantly – the results! We will never be without one of these units in our barn!”
“I would highly recommend the Equine Spa owned by Premier Equine Center to anyone in the performance horse industry for healing, rehab or maintenance. I used the Equine Spa during the Pacific Coast Cutting Futurity and was extremely pleased with the effectiveness and convenience of the treatments. With daily trips to the spa my mare stayed sound and her legs stayed tight the entire show. I have used other cold therapies that did not achieve the results of the Equine Spa. I will definitely use the Equine Spa again; I think it is a great machine for the soundness and longevity of my horse.”
“We opened the S Bar S mobile spa in September 2012. Since that time we have traveled to local events as well as treating horses at our home. In addition to weekly and monthly treatments for healthy performance horses, we board rehabilitation patients in need of daily spa therapy. Having a mobile unit has been extremely beneficial, and we set up most often at barrel racing events, simply because that is what our family participates in. We also travel to and set up at private barns, usually treating 20 horses per day. At a recent barrel race, we set up for the weekend and treated approximately 60 horses. We lost count the first day! We are completely sold on the benefits of regular ECB spa usage. We have had fantastic results treating both new and old tendon injuries. Tendons that were firm and swollen when the patient arrived were softer and smaller after a series of daily treatments. Multiple clients have reported that their horses are running better than ever. We couldn’t be happier with our ECB spa!”
– Dr. David Anderson chats with Dr. Steve Adair, equine rehabilitation specialist at UT Equine Hospital, about the benefits of cold saltwater therapy.
“While we compete at reinings, the physical expectations we place on our horses are at a high level. For this reason, we depend on the therapeutic treatments of the cold salt hydrotherapy spa and hydrohorse aquatred to keep our horses in competitive shape. The professional service provided by Pat Grohl and his staff at Premier Equine Center has proven itself to me by the visible reduction in inflammation and noticeable improvements in performance. For this reason, Becky and I place our confidence in Premier Equine Center for our rehabilitation needs.”
Harness Racing
“After purchasing the ECB Equine Spa, the veterinary bills of Iron Mine Branch Farm have decreased by over 70% and our stable income has increased substantially. We treat every horse in the Spa daily.”
“The ECB Equine Spa has a wide range of therapeutic values. By taking out heat and inflammation, the spa has proved invaluable for race preparation, injury treatment and overall preventive maintenance. It completely refreshes the horse and is amazing for their feet.”
“His feet are awesome,’ Coleman told Trot Insider at Tuesday’s post draw, noting that her colt went a training trip that morning and came out of it in great shape. ‘I’ve been going to the Mohawk spa and I give them all of the credit. That’s one thing I have not used a whole lot; but that sea salt spa, I’ve been using it [with Sportswriter] and it’s really calmed his feet down and got the heat out of them. He’s got his steel shoes back on, which the horse appreciates and he came out of his race very sound this week. He’s ready to rock’.”
Eventer / Showjumping / Dressage
“I have used the ECB Spa for several years and find it invaluable for keeping all levels of my horses fit and strong.”
“Escapado received intensive ECB Spa treatment for a bruised sole prior to the Athens Olympics. Without the Spa we probably would not have been able to compete.”
“We treat our horses to the Equine Spa daily, whether or not they have an injury. But we also welcome equine clients who come to Edgewood exclusively for our spa services. One young rider shared tears of happiness after her horse finally became sound and rideable as a result of his spa treatments at Edgewood.”
“Although the Spa is fantastic for addressing injuries, I use it more for before and after competition in both Florida and Europe. It undoubtedly helps horses to recover more quickly and naturally.”
“Our ECB spa is invaluable and its in use every day to prevent injury to our dressage horses and showjumpers. It reduces inflammation, microtrauma and other physiological response that occur during high level training and performance. ”
“I have used the ECB Equine Spa extensively for both injury treatment and maintenance of top event horses. I can honestly say that it is THE BEST way to help defend your horse from injury while training and competing at peak levels. This is the future for serious trainers with serious equine athletes.”
“We have had the ECB Equine Spa for over a year now and I certainly noticed a huge difference in my horses last season. It is without doubt the best form of leg maintenance on the market today.”
“We’ve been using our ECB Equine Spa for 3 months and the results are already very clear – Rayef doing so well on the hard ground at Badminton, we’d definitely have struggled without the spa.”
“The ECB Equine Spa is a vital asset to my yard. I use it on all of my eventers from novice right through to advanced. I have no doubt it is the best piece of equipment to get the legs cold after exercise and competition. Nothing else I have tried comes close.”
steeplechase / national hunt racing
“We have been using our water treadmill for a year now and I am very impressed by the benefits which are varied and far reaching. The aerobic exercise in cold salt water can be used to keep horses pain free and to exercise using all of their muscles evenly. It has helped with minor injuries such as swelling due to bruising or lymphangitis, and chronic joint and arthritis based injuries to reduce inflammation and to increase the range of movement.
In addition when the horses are using the machine we have time for our dedicated staff to gauge their hind and forelimb action, and to assess any back or muscle pain. We have had great success with horses known to have kissing spines avoiding the need for surgery. At a time when welfare is more important than ever we find the water treadmill has aided us to produce fit and injury free athletes who move well and are mentally happy in their work.”
“This is best form of leg care I have come across.”
“The long term benefit of the spa is that we get more of our jumpers back after injury, which is beneficial to me and the owners.”
“I put through between 8 and 10 horses a day and find the spa incredibly useful and beneficial.”
“It is recognised that 20 – 40% of horses in National Hunt Racing suffer to some degree with their flexor tendons… the Spa results have been really impressive which is exciting.”
“This is by far the best form of lower leg care on the market… every trainer should have one!”
“I am delighted with the spa and it would be difficult to imagine training without the benefit of the spa. All my horses use it; it is great for injuries and prevention.”
“I am absolutely over the moon with the ECB Equine Spa!”
“I was gutted when Cruise the Fairway broke down badly in the Hennassy Gold Cup and I thought it would finish his career, but now three and a half months later his legs feel better than before the Hennassy.”
“We use the spa for all of our horses for prevention and treatment. I put them through the spa before putting them on the lorry to go to a racetrack, and when they come back”
Quarter Horse racing
“ The ECB Spa is the best thing for horse racing that I have ever come across. We have had our Spa for seven years now and it has held up amazingly well… it still looks great too.”
“She [Cat Five Storm] had a year off while we took care of a chip and I give a lot of credit to Winning Sound Equine Spa at Delta Downs. Those ladies have been wonderful and the equipment made all the difference in her coming back so sound.”
“The ECB Equine Spa is the ultimate therapeutic tool for the equine athlete. If it were possible I would have one at every stable.”
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