ECB InstantCryo ™
The ECB INSTANTCRYO ™ is an innovative handheld device that provides effective and localized cryotherapy treatments for horses. The combination of extreme cold temperatures and high-pressure vapor allows for an instant reduction in pain and inflammation and accelerated recovery from common horse conditions/injuries. Regular use of the ECB INSTANTCRYO ™ treatments is also beneficial for the general wellbeing and performance of the horse, as well as for preventative care.
How ECB INSTANTCRYO™ treatments work
INSTANTCRYO™ releases C02 gas at -108°F (-78°C) at a high pressure of 50 bar (756 psi), reducing the skin surface temperature of the injured area to 39°F (4°C) within 30 seconds. This induces the ‘cryotherapeutic effect’ – a combination of several simultaneous physiological adaptions. Pain and inflammation are decreased, toxins and other waste products are removed and blood containing oxygen, healing proteins, and other essential nutrients rapidly flows to the affected area. Overall, the horse’s natural recovery process is enhanced. Research has shown that cryotherapy treatments can reduce the risk of relapse and reoccurring injury. Treatments are highly beneficial for performance horses, particularly those in racing or showjumping, and for horses in rehabilitation.
The INSTANTCRYO™ team provides in-person training to each client. The user is taught how to safely and effectively use the INSTANTCRYO™ device and is equipped with specific treatment protocols for various injuries and conditions.

• Enhanced recovery time
• Significant reductions in inflammation and pain
• Faster and more efficient recovery of many horse injuries including tendon and ligament injuries, muscle sprains, and joint injuries
• Aids in the treatment of conditions such as arthritis and other joint diseases, tendonitis, dermatitis, torticollis, epicondylitis, bursitis and synovitis, cellulitis, sciatica, and many more
• Enhanced healing of bruising, scars, wounds, and sutures
• Increased amplitude of movement and mobility for the horse is beneficial post-surgery and for horse rehabilitation
• Controlled swelling and quick drainage of horse hematomas
• Beneficial for performance. Treatments relieve tight and strained muscles pre and post-racing or training
• Effective for long-term pain management for horses as there are no negative side effects of cryotherapy
• A higher resilience to future injury and reduced risk of relapse

ECB INSTANTCRYO™ Device and features
The device is uniquely made with lightweight aluminum and is installed with laser precision technology. It is ergonomically designed making it an easier and more practical way to treat injuries on a horse than traditional forms of cold therapy such as applying ice packs.
A range of unique nozzles come with the device. Each nozzle has been designed for treating specific injuries/conditions and manipulating pressure to allow for more precise treatments.
A high-definition 320×240pixel thermal imaging camera is also provided with every purchase. Thermal imaging allows the user to identify highly inflamed areas on the horse and visually see the reduction in temperature before and after treatments.
INSTANTCRYO™ is available worldwide directly or via our stockists. Full training and ongoing support are included with the purchase to ensure the product is used safely and effectively.
Visit or email [email protected] for more information.